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Pickled Garlic
Recipe and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong If you could have only one condiment in your refrigerator, it’s highly likely it will be this pickled garlic. Pickled […]
chicken keeping then and now
In the olden days you’d throw down some scratch, call it a day and that was “keeping chickens.” Oh, and you had a stone-sharpened hatchet by the kitchen door and an old tree stump in the yard.
These days, a defining accessory – “good riddance” infinity pools, fasts cars and cute babies in aerospace industry engineered strollers – chickens both domestic and imported live at the level to which their owners are accustomed.
Holiday Pies: Dark Chocolate Ginger Cream Pie
Recipe, Words and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong Ginger is my mother. Growing up, none of my friend’s mothers had such an “exotic” name. I loved saying her name […]