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Ringing in 2012
With coffee being this weeks muse, I thought what could be more appropriate than featuring my newly shellac’d nails adorned with my usual amount of piled on rings drinking my one daily addiction…coffee. Adding as many rings as possible to my fingers is just as much a morning routine as brushing my teeth and pouring my first cup.
Renaissance Mushroom Man
Stan Yockey is an enigma. First, he has two pugs that he may like more than most people and he collects hens on nests. You know the ones—the vintage candy dishes that adorn nearly every grandmother’s faux-oak china cabinet. This wouldn’t be so strange if Stan favored V-necks and Ricky Martin, but it’s entirely inconsistent with the turkey hide he’s tanning in his garage.
In Defense of Carrots
“What’s up, doc?” What’s up is that, much to my surprise, I can scarcely find any fine art that focuses on the splendor that is the carrot. So slender, so sweet and so versatile. Why oh why have the artists forsaken you, my friend?!