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Inspired by a Farmer’s Market Food Revival
It’s the vendors at my local farmer’s market that make me get out of bed to fight for first pick of their fresh okra. Truth be told, I don’t like okra. What I love, are the people selling okra. Apart from the Cosby Kids, these peddlers of cheese, meat and produce are the coolest Saturday morning kids I ever shared a bowl of cereal with.

Favorite Recipes: Moon Cakes
Photography, recipe and favorite recipe pick by Chia Chong Artwork by katherine sandoz Styling by Libbie Summers Photographer Chia Chong is co-creator and the beauty behind the lens of Salted […]

If we take “an apple a day”, certainly one requires frequent doses of watermelon. It guarantees a rush of summer; a taste representing the whir of bicycle tires, crickets’ chirps, the site of rocky beaches, the smell of lake-wet towels, and the dizzy of a swing with the tallest, most handsome at the town dance.