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Wild Turkey Cocktail Ring
Lately, I love accessorizing with oversized and over the top rings. The bigger the better! When I saw this fabulous handmade glass ring, I immediately thought Thanksgiving. The beautiful touch of turquoise mixed with browns, and the setting has just enough shimmer to make it even more delicious. The hand-cut glass incasing looks as if it is magnifying a feather, which made even more appropriate for all of this talk around the studio about American Turkeys!
Inspired by Carrots
Straight green hair with short bangs and legs that go on for days. The midnight cravings of a furry mammal mother. A perfect carrot. This week on Salted and Styled we celebrate the simplicity and complexity of a simple carrot and all it signifies this time of year.
Halloween: Costumes for Food
Photography by Chia Chong Styled by Libbie Summers “Last minute” Halloween costumes for food! Who says food can’t have a little fun? Caprese Salad as Ice Cream Cones Redfish in […]