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More Inspiration

Text and Artwork by katherine sandoz You’re either passionately for them or just steering clear…of the bread-like cake and/or the people. fruitcakes 8.5” x 11” mixed media on index december […]

Waxing On About Love and Dandelions
Try to imagine being a child again where you saw each dandelion as an opportunity and not merely a landscaping nuisance. Remember back to the time when you would rush at the chance to pluck one with its head of white bursts between your chubby little fingers, fill your cheeks like billowing sails to blow, blow the top clear off sending shining white puffs into the sky.

Inspired by Mandarin Oranges
This week our inspiration is a Mandarin orange. A slight spray of juice, a peel’s texture, a vibrant color (Libbie’s favorite), a stringy pith and a sweet woman from The Congo who holds them ever so gently against her skin. Welcome into our home for a week of orange clad citrus inspired living and take a peek under the rug.