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March 16, 2012
An Open Love Letter To Salt
I remember you best and most frequently appearing at the table. My mother handled you heartily and often; you filled her trusty shaker and she made quick work of sprinkling you on her food as if it were a parched garden in need of a hosed down, all-out soaking. This is to say nothing of your starring role in one of the main loves in my life: the ocean, the beach.

May 4, 2012
Simmer Down Podcast: Going South of the Border for Cinco de Mayo!
This week on Simmer Down, Libbie and Brenda are South of the Border (in their minds) for Cinco de Mayo! Have a listen and get fun facts about Cinco de Mayo and Napoleon. Two great Mexican recipes and plenty of laughs!

January 12, 2013
Mornings on Mykonos (Greek Baked Eggs)
I once had a small olive tree in Greece…