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Heritage Breed Terrariums
When Matthew Mead reached out to us to find a use for his favorite jelly jars, we told him it wouldn’t be something pedestrian like jelly, jam, preserves, conserves or whatever the heck Limeys are currently calling the stuff they spread on a crumpet each morning. These ridiculously cool jars (like so many things in this ever so talented man’s collection) needed some grass-fed, pasture-raised lovin’. Voila, Heritage Breed Terrariums. A jelly jar with a conscience.

Honey and Cheese Stuffed Sautéed Pear Halves
This recipe can be made in the time it takes quality honey to ease its way from the jar. It will be eaten twice as fast.

Gifts For the Spoiled Dog
Speaking in a raspy voice that only a mother or lover would like –renown dog style expert, McGuire (Maggie) Jo Summers, stopped licking herself just long enough to give us her top three gift picks for this holiday season.