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Wine Like Flowers
Words, Floral Design and Photography by Ashley Bailey I like my wine like I like my flowers –blood red. I don’t do Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio or Riesling. I do do […]

Lemon Shrimp Salad Sandwich with Honeysuckle Mayonnaise
Recipe and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong We just upped the ante of a GOOD Shrimp Salad Sandwich by adding a smear of honeysuckle mayonnaise and making […]

Are You A Sprinkle?
I want to be a sprinkle. Not the tiny circus-colored variety that crunches like birdshot, or the crystallized pink sparklers that feel as if you eaten a mouthful of sand. “A sprinkle,” Rebecca Gardner tells me, “is someone who walks into a party and they’re peppy, they introduce people, they have self confidence and stories to tell.” It’s her job to know this.