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“M” Is For Mistletoe, Merry Christmas and Maggie
Yes, food is our trigger to all design, but what about the real “Triggers” in our lives. Our pets? Pearl wearing red dogs and red biscuit eating all dogs. This week’s holiday party is for the dogs…cats and birds need not read any further.
Happy Holidays from Salted and Styled!
My Little Moon Goddess
Words, Photography and Floral Design by Ashley Bailey Model: Byrd Bailey When I asked my daughter, Byrd, if she would be my model for this moon-inspired project, she was apprehensive. […]
please pass the salt
It’s a known fact that salt figures greatly in all things, especially in seasoning conversation and supper. The following is one fact that is not so readily known that I picked up from a great Southern lady who happens to be my neighbor: Certainly, the salt is on the table with the pepper. We taste our food first, and then we ask for the transfer that originates from the left and travels right. It never arrives from across and don’t you sneak a shake prior to answering the call.