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Woodcut Artichoke
This week we are peeling back the layers of the dear artichoke to reveal just what it is that makes its thorny heart beat. And what better way to introduce you to the artichoke than through the artwork of SCAD professor Marcia Neblett. She is responsible for the intricate woodcut print before you. For those of you who are a bit sketchy on just what a “woodcut” is, let me clarify this medium a little further. A woodcut is a technique in which an artist carves away pieces from a block of wood. Rather than creating artwork from the pieces taken away or using the wood as a canvas, this form of art, instead, makes the wood itself and what remains of it the artwork. The image that is left may then be covered in ink, as Neblett does so skillfully above, and voila! you are ready to print!

jillian and the silo
Words and Artwork by katherine sandoz Photography by Chia Chong The minute she heard that her sister had begun labor, Jillian gathered her supplies and scurried to the just barely […]

hope springs eternal
Or maybe it is the heralds of spring that allow us to hope anew and forever; just born babies, burgeoning spring onions (also called green, baby, precious and yard onions), countless majestic blooms, the smell of warming earth and the sight and sounds of birds, bees and butterflies.