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Quick Green Apple and Tomatillo Soup
Somedays a girl just has to say no to meat. Luckily those days don’t come often.
Ringing in 2012
With coffee being this weeks muse, I thought what could be more appropriate than featuring my newly shellac’d nails adorned with my usual amount of piled on rings drinking my one daily addiction…coffee. Adding as many rings as possible to my fingers is just as much a morning routine as brushing my teeth and pouring my first cup.
Life of Pie
My formative years were made up of blueberry pie. Each summer Mom would drag my sister and me to the blueberry farm where we’d sit on buckets and encourage plump, steel-blueberries from their perch. “Try not to get the stems,” Mom would instruct. “Or the green berries. Or the ones that have a hint of red—they’re too bitter. They’ll ruin the pie.” In between her cautionary tales, she’s slip into a quiet meditation, working methodically through the rows.