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please pass the salt
It’s a known fact that salt figures greatly in all things, especially in seasoning conversation and supper. The following is one fact that is not so readily known that I picked up from a great Southern lady who happens to be my neighbor: Certainly, the salt is on the table with the pepper. We taste our food first, and then we ask for the transfer that originates from the left and travels right. It never arrives from across and don’t you sneak a shake prior to answering the call.
Daikon Chips with Quick Curry Dip
Recipe and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong Food Stylist Assistant Candace Brower Slice, Fry and Dip. Who knew heaven could be this easy to attain. Daikon Chips […]
All in the Family
I grew up eating what was served to me. No one ever asked what I wanted, or offered an alternative to the salmon flopped on my plate flesh-side up, all pink and wet. Mom would leave the scales on the opposite side, so I’d have to flip it and slowly peel back its shiny, slithery coat. I’d curl my lip and wince.