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There’s sweetness in the Air
Photography by Chia Chong Styling by Libbie Summers It’s one of our favorite times of the year in Savannah. The days are cooler with less humidity and fewer bugs making it a […]

Inspired by a Farmer’s Market Food Revival
It’s the vendors at my local farmer’s market that make me get out of bed to fight for first pick of their fresh okra. Truth be told, I don’t like okra. What I love, are the people selling okra. Apart from the Cosby Kids, these peddlers of cheese, meat and produce are the coolest Saturday morning kids I ever shared a bowl of cereal with.

Behind the Scenes with Salted and Styled
There’s none among our creative collective who didn’t fall under the spell of videographer, Juwan Platt. Juwan, our new friend, is an old soul with a young eye. Always dressed to impress, he followed us around for three weeks while we produced a 22 page Savannah Magazine feature as well as tons of online collateral for our own site. We are happy to share this, the first of 5 short videos Juwan did chronicling our somewhat unorthodox process. Thank you Juwan…we owe you.