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chicken keeping then and now
In the olden days you’d throw down some scratch, call it a day and that was “keeping chickens.” Oh, and you had a stone-sharpened hatchet by the kitchen door and an old tree stump in the yard.
These days, a defining accessory – “good riddance” infinity pools, fasts cars and cute babies in aerospace industry engineered strollers – chickens both domestic and imported live at the level to which their owners are accustomed.
Sweet Fennel Potato Salad
Recipe by Brenda Anderson Photography by Chia Chong Styling by Libbie Summers This summer’s “it” potato salad! Sweet Fennel Potato Salad serves 4 Ingredients: 3 cups water 1 ½ cup […]
Renaissance Mushroom Man
Stan Yockey is an enigma. First, he has two pugs that he may like more than most people and he collects hens on nests. You know the ones—the vintage candy dishes that adorn nearly every grandmother’s faux-oak china cabinet. This wouldn’t be so strange if Stan favored V-necks and Ricky Martin, but it’s entirely inconsistent with the turkey hide he’s tanning in his garage.