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please pass the salt
It’s a known fact that salt figures greatly in all things, especially in seasoning conversation and supper. The following is one fact that is not so readily known that I picked up from a great Southern lady who happens to be my neighbor: Certainly, the salt is on the table with the pepper. We taste our food first, and then we ask for the transfer that originates from the left and travels right. It never arrives from across and don’t you sneak a shake prior to answering the call.
Salted and Styled’s Cooking Class: Duck Prosciutto
Recipe courtesy of Chef Roberto Leoci Photography by Chia Chong Styled by Libbie Summers, Katherine Sandoz and Brooke Atwood Shot on location at Meddin Studios Traditionally, prosciutto is a salt cured and dry aged Italian […]
Inspired by Honey
Food is our trigger to all design. Its color may inform our fashion, its texture may inform our artwork. Its shape may inform our interiors and its flavor will always inform our table. This week we are inspired by –honey.