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Watermelon and Tomatillo Salad with Feta Cheese
Words and Recipe by Pati Jinich Photography courtesy of Penny De Lost Santos You know those photos of kids with big slices of watermelon in their hands and juice dripping down […]

Garlic Cracker Crisps and Garlic Pimento Cheese
Recipes and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong Garlic crackers long enough to make a statement in presentation. Spread them with our Garlic Pimento Cheese and they are […]

La Dolce Vita
I’m sitting with artisan chef and restaurant owner Roberto Leoci in an old meat-packing building that is now Meddin Studios. It’s 80-degrees outside, but cold in here, as if the refrigeration has permanently seeped into the concrete floor. The place is creepy. Barn-size metal doors divide the rooms; to slide one open you have to press your entire body against it. The old wooden tables move as easily as live oaks and are just as creaky. Everything is heavy. Even the new glass doors are propped open by 25-pound sandbags.