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Simmer Down Podcast: An Organic Soul Food Restaurateur
Latoya Rivers makes a living from her family recipes. At CafĂ© Florie, the organic soul food restaurant she runs with her cousin Theo, she continues the tradition of family-owned restaurants using recipes from generations past. In this podcast, Brenda Anderson takes a minute to sit down with the beautiful Latoya Rivers. Her voice is as thoughtful as her menu. Listen Up, you’ll love her giggle.

Spring Onions and White Lace
Food is our trigger to all design. Its color may inform our fashion, its texture may inform our artwork. Its shape may inform our interiors and its flavor will always inform our table. This week the diaphanous lacy layers of a spring onion just pulled from the ground inspires our lives. Today we introduce you to their overall beauty.

Rhubarb Bellini
Photography by Chia Chong Recipe and Styling by Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower Rhubarb is no different than any other fruit and vegetable in season. It comes all at […]