Simmer Down Podcast: Cooking Tips for Thanksgiving

November 27, 2013

Podcast Co-Host, Producer and Editor: Brenda Anderson
Podcast Co-Host: Libbie Summers
Sound Engineer: Clayton De Wet

Can’t get the skin on your turkey crisp? Pumpkin pies cracking on top? Let us help…all our answers are served with a big dose of humor. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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More Inspiration

May 15, 2012

Bee Calm and Carry On

If you drive far enough away from civilization you come upon something that feels more authentically like life. It’s not a life with which I’m familiar, and yet the wide-open space, the simplicity of sprawling fields cut into perfect right angles, feels just right.

We descend upon the Lee Family Farm in Bulloch County at sunrise, the sleep still in the corners of our citified eyes as the bright sun cuts across the horizon. It’s eerie and beautiful—in the distance, a few workers dot the fields in meditative labor, looking like solitary statues emerging from a thick blanket of silencing fog.

February 22, 2013

Braided Tea Olive Infused Donuts

Photography by Chia Chong Styling by Libbie Summers Recipe adapted from this guy  Braided Tea Olive Infused Donuts Ingredients: 5 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup vegetable oil […]

S&S-Honey Week 3-Recipe Image
May 31, 2012

The King’s Belly Sandwich

When I was younger, I was obsessed with Elvis Presley. Okay, I still am. But back then my imagination was so ripe, I could picture myself on the the brightly decorated sets of his formulaic movies, befriending costars like Shelly Fabres. Shelly would ask “Libbie Marie (I would, of course, change my name) what did you and “E” do last night” and I would fill her in on all the exotic fun a sheltered ten year old could dream up for a date with the king.
Those were the innocent thoughts that filled a young heart. And these are the flavors, in honor of a first crush –my king, that satisfy an adult appetite.