Behind the Scenes
More Inspiration

Renaissance Mushroom Man
Stan Yockey is an enigma. First, he has two pugs that he may like more than most people and he collects hens on nests. You know the ones—the vintage candy dishes that adorn nearly every grandmother’s faux-oak china cabinet. This wouldn’t be so strange if Stan favored V-necks and Ricky Martin, but it’s entirely inconsistent with the turkey hide he’s tanning in his garage.

Spring Onions and White Lace
Food is our trigger to all design. Its color may inform our fashion, its texture may inform our artwork. Its shape may inform our interiors and its flavor will always inform our table. This week the diaphanous lacy layers of a spring onion just pulled from the ground inspires our lives. Today we introduce you to their overall beauty.

Text and Artwork by katherine sandoz You’re either passionately for them or just steering clear…of the bread-like cake and/or the people. fruitcakes 8.5” x 11” mixed media on index december […]