Photography by Chia Chong
Meet Latoya Rivers, during our photo shoot with her, we styled her a couple of different ways. Can you find all the differences?
Either way –she is beautiful.
Photography by Chia Chong
Meet Latoya Rivers, during our photo shoot with her, we styled her a couple of different ways. Can you find all the differences?
Either way –she is beautiful.
The elegant and complex flower of common wild carrots (Daucus carota) could inspire a lifetime of art and design projects. If you’re a writer, you might employ words such as umbel, bract and tumbleweed in describing the exquisite bloom that turns on itself exacting a nest shape as it goes to seed.
Recipe and Styling by Libbie Summers Photography by Chia Chong We’ve never met a short rib we didn’t like. Garlic and Cherries? Yes please! Cherry Short Ribs over Garlic Cheesy […]
Words, Photography and Floral Design by Ashley Bailey Model: Byrd Bailey When I asked my daughter, Byrd, if she would be my model for this moon-inspired project, she was apprehensive. […]