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Moon Cakes
Recipe and Photography by Chia Chong Styling by Libbie Summers Today is a special day. It is Mid-Autumn Festival Day! Help us celebrate the day by sharing a moon cake […]

Simmer Down Podcast: An Organic Soul Food Restaurateur
Latoya Rivers makes a living from her family recipes. At Café Florie, the organic soul food restaurant she runs with her cousin Theo, she continues the tradition of family-owned restaurants using recipes from generations past. In this podcast, Brenda Anderson takes a minute to sit down with the beautiful Latoya Rivers. Her voice is as thoughtful as her menu. Listen Up, you’ll love her giggle.

There’s a Strawberry on my Back
I grew up wanting to work in the fields, a dream my parents deferred my entire childhood.
Every elementary kid did it, or so it seemed. Each summer a chartered school bus would haul sleepy-eyed kids from their homes to the sprawling strawberry fields just a short 15-minute drive into the county. While I lazed around watching “Tom and Jerry” and lapping up “toasted rice” cereal, I imagined my schoolmates singing songs and forging friendships in my absence.