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A Life Inspired by Corn and Love
BACKSTORY: Geoffrey doesn’t like anyone to know the actual spelling of his name, and prefers the less bourgeois “Jeff” (his pedigree determined years ago in a wealthy Chicago suburb). Jeff’s great grandfather, grandfather and father all held seats on the Chicago Board of Exchange and were not pleased when he decided to apply to Agriculture School at The University of Illinois (a state school). Jillian (Jeff’s young wife) studied art at a lesser known art school in the Mid-West where she met Jeff at a summer party in Saugatuck, MI. When everyone else was wearing notable designers, Jillian arrived at the party wearing a simple white cotton sheath with a small noticeable tear at the hem.
If we take “an apple a day”, certainly one requires frequent doses of watermelon. It guarantees a rush of summer; a taste representing the whir of bicycle tires, crickets’ chirps, the site of rocky beaches, the smell of lake-wet towels, and the dizzy of a swing with the tallest, most handsome at the town dance.
The Edible Illustrator
I have always loved radishes and their earthy, peppery flavor. So cool, so crisp and so refreshing in a ginormous spring salad (the only kind I like). Really, I have a weakness for any root vegetable but this week I am putting the focus on the so often overlooked radish. I am sure the future will allow for more talk of my other favorite and rooterrific veggies.