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There’s sweetness in the Air
Photography by Chia Chong Styling by Libbie Summers It’s one of our favorite times of the year in Savannah. The days are cooler with less humidity and fewer bugs making it a […]

Inspired by Backyard Chicken Farmers
This week we salute all ages of the backyard chicken farmers who inspire us. We applaud the thread of seriousness that flows through each farmer and the realization that no two farmers are alike. Take a peek through the chicken wire each day to see what’s up in the coop and under the poop.

A Blush Pink and Strawberry Red Love Affair
Growing up, I was surrounded by strawberries, lots of em! They were everywhere, literally, due to my mother quite innocently mentioning how much she liked them. Her simple preference turned out to be the birthplace of an accidental “collection.” EVERYone for seemingly EVERY occasion began to shower strawberry motif gifts on my mother for EVERY single gift giving occasion. It created something of an unexpected, ecclectic strawberry vineyard in our very own home. I, too, was guilty of seeking out and securing every strawberry knick nack imaginable to honor her with, just waiting with anticipation for the next opportune moment to surprise her with another strawberry delight!