Podcast Co-Host, Producer and Editor: Brenda Anderson
Podcast Co-Host: Libbie Summers
Sound Engineer: Clayton De Wet
Looking for a Valentine’s Day gift? Sometimes just a Chocolate Malt will do.
Podcast Co-Host, Producer and Editor: Brenda Anderson
Podcast Co-Host: Libbie Summers
Sound Engineer: Clayton De Wet
Looking for a Valentine’s Day gift? Sometimes just a Chocolate Malt will do.
I was pretty excited when I saw this awesome shoot the gals shot in NYC about knives, allowing me to tap in to my darker side (which isn’t too hard). Knives you say? Why not add some bullets to the mix? I adore this kick ass collar by Assad Mounser made with stainless steel bullet spike drops.
Words by Andrea Goto Photography by Chia Chong Styled by Libbie Summers I spent one incredible winter in a tiny medieval village in the South of France. I sipped rosé. […]
Cassandra travels to a luncheon of flowered dreams. Her compass –a grey balloon.